Title Anxiety as a Symptom Among Adolescent Females: SubClinical Characteristics and Influences of Parenting and Peer Relationships
Objective The purpose of the study is to better understand adolescent females fears and worries. We are really interested to find out how youth’s worries are impacted by their parent’s level of anxiety and behaviours. We are also curious to determine how teens fears and worries are affected by their friendships, thoughts, behaviours, and feelings in their body. The results from this study may give use clues as to why female teens have anxiety. Also, results may create better services that teens may use when they frequently worry a lot.
Research Questions:
1) Is age associated to anxiety symptoms?
2 ) What are the direct effects of somatic symptoms, rumination, and avoidance behaviours on anxiety symptoms (by way of path analysis)?
3) What are the indirect effects of parental anxiety, parental control, and peer rejection on anxiety symptoms (by way of path analysis)?
Participant’s characteristics Female Youth aged 11 to 18 and their parents
Benefits If participants choose to participate, both parents and their child will be entered to win a $50.00 gift card from Amazon. A total of 6 gift cards will be given out to participants, with 3 gift cards going to youth participants and 3 gift cards going to adult participants. Participant’s gift card will be sent by the email address they provided provided. Each participant will be notified if they won at the end of the study
Risks There are no foreseeable risks to participating. Some participants may experience some mild discomfort when answering questions. Participants will not be asked questions related to harm of self and others. Participants are encouraged to contact a family doctor or use the provided resource if they experience increased discomfort while participating, p

We do not expect this amount discomfort or distress arising among our participants.

End Date May 3, 2021
Contact Victoria L Purcell, M.Sc. | Faculty of Graduate Studies | Educational Psychology | (403) 604 7172; [email protected]

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